Nine: “Change Your Place to Change Your Mind”
"Change Your Plance to Change Your Mind": 24 x 30 x 1.5 Inches
In order to achieve better mental health, and evict the unwelcome companion promoting intrusive thoughts in his head, Ansel has so far employed exposure therapy and positive self-talk. As he has focused on more positive mental health, Ansel stumbled upon the psychological adage of, “change your place to change your mind” which suggests physical surroundings can significantly influence behaviors, thoughts and feelings.
Ansel began by assessing his current environment. Not surprisingly given the struggles of his everyday life, his apartment was cluttered, filled with unfinished projects and entirely too many forgotten material possessions. The air felt stale, and the walls often seemed to close in on him. He realized that his chaotic surroundings were mirroring his chaotic mind.
"Change Your Place to Change Your Mind": 24 x 30 x 1.5 Inches
His improved cognitive momentum was growing with the success of his exposure therapy and commitment to positive self-talk, so with a renewed determination, Ansel set about transforming his space. He started by decluttering, donating unwanted items and organizing the rest. He painted the walls a calming shade of blue, and brought in plants to add a touch of nature.
The physical act of cleaning and organizing seemed to clear his mind. He began to notice the positive changes in his environment, and how they were affecting his mood.
Once his apartment was complete, Ansel spent time exploring different areas of the city. He visited parks, museums, and coffee shops, immersing himself in new experiences. Each new place offered a fresh perspective, stimulating his mind and sparking new ideas. This effort would have previously been impossible had he not taken action to commit to progressive exposure therapy.
As the weeks went by, Ansel found himself feeling more energized and optimistic. His once stagnant mind was now a vibrant stream of creativity and inspiration. He had discovered that by changing his place, he had indeed changed his mind. And in doing so, he had found a path to better mental health.
"Change Your Place to Change Your Mind": 24 x 30 x 1.5 Inches
(For the Reader): Helpful Tips
Identify Your Current Environment: Assess your current surroundings. Are they conducive to your desired mindset? Do they promote relaxation, productivity, or creativity?
Choose a New Environment: Select a new location that aligns with your goals. Consider factors such as:
Purpose: Do you want to relax, focus, or be creative?
Comfort: Ensure the space is comfortable and inviting.
Stimulation: Decide if you prefer a quiet or stimulating environment.
Mindful Presence: Once in your new environment, practice mindfulness. Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations.
Engage in Activities: Participate in activities that support your desired mindset. For example, if you're seeking relaxation, try meditation or reading.
Reflect on Changes: After spending time in your new environment, reflect on any changes in your thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.
Experiment and Adjust: If necessary, experiment with different environments to find the one that best suits your needs.