This is a 24 x 36 x 1.5 inch piece on a gallery profile canvas. This piece is absolutely intended to reference the psychological human nature to “act” as they feel they should rather than as they are. It’s no secret that on social media, many present themselves in a certain way to maximize attenention and adoration, rather than how they may actually be “IRL”. That said, on the other side are those who get the likes, adoration and attention and feel it’s undeserved and constanstly struggle with a feeling of belonging. Being human is complicated! Impostorism is another way to mention “Impostor Syndrome”.
This is a 24 x 36 x 1.5 inch piece on a gallery profile canvas. This piece is absolutely intended to reference the psychological human nature to “act” as they feel they should rather than as they are. It’s no secret that on social media, many present themselves in a certain way to maximize attenention and adoration, rather than how they may actually be “IRL”. That said, on the other side are those who get the likes, adoration and attention and feel it’s undeserved and constanstly struggle with a feeling of belonging. Being human is complicated! Impostorism is another way to mention “Impostor Syndrome”.