This is a 24 × 24 × 1.5 inch gallery profile canvas. My intent with this piece was to remain in my current state of expressive abstracts. For me the painting wound up representing how I often feel about my dreams. In the moment, my dreams feel specific, vivid and unforgettable. However, when I fully wake from sleep I rarely remember those specifics as a cohesive, structured story… If I remember any of it at all.
This is a 24 × 24 × 1.5 inch gallery profile canvas. My intent with this piece was to remain in my current state of expressive abstracts. For me the painting wound up representing how I often feel about my dreams. In the moment, my dreams feel specific, vivid and unforgettable. However, when I fully wake from sleep I rarely remember those specifics as a cohesive, structured story… If I remember any of it at all.